Our goal is to reach millions of needy people across India

Rohksh Foundation is a Not-For-Profit organisation working in India, dedicated towards the welfare of various communities. We help communities build better lives for themselves through grassroots programs that focus on healthcare, education, empowerment, entrepreneurship. We at Rohksh Foundation, believe that by giving people the tools to lead healthy, productive lives, we can help them lift themselves out of poverty. We do this through well planned and comprehensive projects in health, education, livelihoods and disaster preparedness and response. 

We are committed to reaching out and supporting these neglected individuals in their time of need. Children, elderly, homeless, daily wage earners and front line health workers of the communities who are disproportionately impacted by the COVID-19 outbreak and the economic downfall . Together, we will overcome this pandemic by making sure that the most vulnerable among us are protected.

Accountability and Transparency

We are committed to high standards of accountability and transparency which is an expression of our core value. This is because we fervently believe that we work effectively for the well-being of society. Rohksh Foundation continually strives to maintain high national and international standards of professional competence and is accountable through appropriate structures for achieving these standards.

We have our policies, procedures, systems, practices, work culture and audits well in place to reflect our commitment to accountability and transparency. 

Rohksh Foundation endeavors to convey a public image that conforms to reality and speaks and acts with diligent honesty. With the power of the Almighty, we intend to pursue excellence beyond compliance, in all aspects of our work – In governance, management, operations and administration.

Our Mission

On-ground disbursements to make sure that the relief measures reach the beneficiaries. This is our utmost important mission.

Our Vision

To bring everyone together i,e. the NGO’s, Companies, Individuals and Government Agencies to work towards the fight against the diseases.

Help stop the spread of the COVID-19


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