Well as the question poses, do you really think that children can be immune to the virus? But before that let’s understand why would we assume that they would be. So when the Covid-19 virus was making its way and destroying everyone’s life, it was seen that the children were a little less affected than the elder ones. But before we would make more assumptions, it was established that people who had a really good immunity system could combat the virus. And essentially assuming that the children could be immune to it was the new rumor. 

 But was it all a myth? Yes. The children were not exactly immune to it and what more even if they were, they could carry the virus with them; spread and transmit it to other people who surround them. Elders did assume for quite some time that they were protected from this virus and rightfully so anyone would believe it because the rate of children getting affected was quite low but when the new reports came in, there was a rapid increase with the cases that were seen among the children. 

Coronavirus has left everyone hopeless, let it be the young lings or the elders. Everyone turns out to be a healthy host for this virus to attach itself to. It is better to be safe than sorry so protecting the young ones, explaining the importance of these precautions that we should be taking is very essential. I know parents with young ones are already tired of them whining about going down to play and the children are already bored sitting in the house for so long but with a little understanding and cooperation, it can go a long way in safeguarding the health of the child and the family.

29 thoughts on “Are Children really immune to the virus?

  1. ” It is better to be safe than sorry so protecting the young ones, explaining the importance of these precautions that we should be taking is very essential. ” This is something everyone should understand. Really.

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